President Tom Wolf

The mottos of Rotary deeply resonate with us: "Business is the science of human service" and "One profits most who serves best." These principles define our unique organisation. Rotarians are compassionate, generous, and leaders in their fields—successful business people and professionals.
This empowers Rotary to be the world’s foremost service organisation, addressing critical global issues with unmatched expertise and dedication. Today, we face unprecedented global challenges. Unstable geopolitics, conflicts, economic
decoupling, and environmental issues such as global warming pose significant threats to our world. Yet, in these uncertain times, the strength and resolve of our 1.4 million Rotarians worldwide become ever more crucial. As professionals and successful business leaders, we have the capacity and responsibility to make a positive impact and help steer the world
towards a better future.
Let us embark on this journey together, inspired by our founders, guided by our mottos, and driven by a shared vision of service above self. Together, we can and will make a difference.
This empowers Rotary to be the world’s foremost service organisation, addressing critical global issues with unmatched expertise and dedication. Today, we face unprecedented global challenges. Unstable geopolitics, conflicts, economic
decoupling, and environmental issues such as global warming pose significant threats to our world. Yet, in these uncertain times, the strength and resolve of our 1.4 million Rotarians worldwide become ever more crucial. As professionals and successful business leaders, we have the capacity and responsibility to make a positive impact and help steer the world
towards a better future.
Let us embark on this journey together, inspired by our founders, guided by our mottos, and driven by a shared vision of service above self. Together, we can and will make a difference.